função size.cluster = function(x,y){ dados1 = aggregate(.~ Perna, data=x, sum) ## Soma as medidas de cada articulo da perna, fornecidas pelo usuário dados2 = apply(dados1, MARGIN=2, FUN=prod) ## Multiplica as medidas de cada perna, para ter um total para cada individuo library(cluster) ## Chama a função para fazer uma distribuição de clusters pam.res=pam(scale(dados2),y) ## escala os dados e calcula o PAM para y grupos de dados pam.res$medoids ## tira as "medoids", "médias" inseridas em um data.set head(pam.res$cluster) ## busca os vetores de agrupamento final = clusplot(pam.res, main = "Cluster plot, k = y", color = TRUE) ## faz o gráfico dos y agrupamentos. return(final) } HELP Cluster size analises Description size.cluster returns a cluster graphic for the multiplicative size for all legs in a arthropod, after making the sum of all the segments in each leg. Usage size.cluster (x,y) Arguments x Data table for the size of each leg segment, of each animal y Number of data groups expected to be clustered Details This function is used to analize the results of the measurements done with imagej software. The resulting table, with the measurements of each segment in a animal leg is summed, and the total size of each leg is multiplied and the resulting number is compared to the other animals. Value It facilitates the work of comparing the results for size comparison photographs for arthropods References Gnaspini, P. (1996). Population ecology of Goniosomu spelueum, a cavernicolous harvestman fromsouth-eastern Brazil (Arachnida: Opiliones: Gonyleptidae. J. Zool., Lond. 239,417-435.