modelo package:unknown R Documentation Function to determine the activity pattern of one species according to Gómez et al. (2005). Description: class.ap is a function used to calculate the percentage of the records and classify the activity period according to Gómez et al. (2005). Besides that, the function output a barplot with the frequency of records per class of activity (e.g. diurnal, nocturnal, crepuscular). Usage: class.ap(x) Arguments: x – data should be input as a data frame of only one column named Period Details: When preparing the object to input is important to use the letters “N” for nocturnal events, “C” for crepuscular and “D” for diurnal events. Value: A data frame with the sum of records per type is returned if the object input corresponds to the criteria exposed in the topic “Details” Warning: The function only calculates the activity period of one species per time. Author(s): Júlia Ferrúa dos Santos References: Gómez, H.; Wallace, R.B.; Ayala, G.; Tejada, R. 2005, Dry season activity periods os some Amazonian mammals. Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment, 40 (2). Examples: class.ap(object)