Exercícios 1 - Introdução ao R 1.1 Basta Mudar o Diretório? getwd() = verificar diretório setwd("/Users/veronica/Desktop/Discliplia_R/Temp1") getwd() save.image() save.image(file="R_temp") Ao fechar o R salvar o workspace 1.2 Um Comando Perigoso rm(list=ls()) Se os scripts forem salvos podem ser executados novamente. 1.3 Classes de Objetos 1.3.1. help("letters") ==Description Constants built into R. Usage LETTERS letters month.abb month.name pi Details R has a small number of built-in constants. The following constants are available: LETTERS: the 26 upper-case letters of the Roman alphabet; letters: the 26 lower-case letters of the Roman alphabet; month.abb: the three-letter abbreviations for the English month names; month.name: the English names for the months of the year; pi: the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter. These are implemented as variables in the base namespace taking appropriate values.== 1.3.2. class(letters) "character" class(LETTERS) "character" 1.3.3. Função factor(). letters <- factor(letters) LETTERS <- factor(LETTERS)