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projetos:treeco:start [2021/07/02 10:18]
projetos:treeco:start [2022/10/10 22:05] edição externa
Linha 14: Linha 14:
 === People === === People ===
   *Lead researchers:​ [[https://​renatodelima.com/​|Renato A. Ferreira de Lima]], [[http://​labtrop.ib.usp.br/​doku.php?​id=equipe:​adalardo:​start|Alexandre Adalardo]] & [[http://​ecologia.ib.usp.br/​let/​doku.php?​id=engl:​prado:​start|Paulo Inácio Prado]] (USP)   *Lead researchers:​ [[https://​renatodelima.com/​|Renato A. Ferreira de Lima]], [[http://​labtrop.ib.usp.br/​doku.php?​id=equipe:​adalardo:​start|Alexandre Adalardo]] & [[http://​ecologia.ib.usp.br/​let/​doku.php?​id=engl:​prado:​start|Paulo Inácio Prado]] (USP)
-  *Associate researchers:​ [[https://​www.researchgate.net/​profile/​Luiz_Magnago|Luiz F.S. Magnago]] (UFSB), [[https://​www.ufrgs.br/​levcamp/​index.php/​10-equipe/​pesquisadores-associados/​50-sandra-cristina-mueller|Sandra C. Müller]] (UFRGS), [[https://​www.researchgate.net/​profile/​Rodrigo-Bergamin|Rodrigo S. Bergamin]] (UFRGS), [[https://​www.researchgate.net/​profile/​Victor-Zwiener|Victor P. Zwiener]] (UFPR) & [[https://​www.researchgate.net/​lab/​Laboratorio-de-Botanica-Andre-Luis-de-Gasper|André L. de Gasper]] (FURB)+  *Associate researchers:​ [[https://​www.researchgate.net/​profile/​Luiz-Magnago|Luiz F.S. Magnago]] (UFSB), [[https://​www.ufrgs.br/​levcamp/​index.php/​10-equipe/​pesquisadores-associados/​50-sandra-cristina-mueller|Sandra C. Müller]] (UFRGS), [[https://​www.researchgate.net/​profile/​Daniel-Piotto|Daniel Piotto]] (UFSB), [[https://​www.researchgate.net/​profile/​Rodrigo-Bergamin|Rodrigo S. Bergamin]] (UFRGS), [[https://​www.researchgate.net/​profile/​Victor-Zwiener|Victor P. Zwiener]] (UFPR) & [[https://​www.researchgate.net/​lab/​Laboratorio-de-Botanica-Andre-Luis-de-Gasper|André L. de Gasper]] (FURB)
   *Grad students: [[https://​www.researchgate.net/​profile/​Marcela_Pyles|Marcela Pyles]], [[https://​www.researchgate.net/​profile/​Joice-Klipel|Joice Klipel]], [[https://​www.researchgate.net/​profile/​Jean-Freitag-Kramer|Jean M. Freitag Kramer]] & [[https://​www.researchgate.net/​profile/​Guilherme_Grittz|Guilherme Gritz]]   *Grad students: [[https://​www.researchgate.net/​profile/​Marcela_Pyles|Marcela Pyles]], [[https://​www.researchgate.net/​profile/​Joice-Klipel|Joice Klipel]], [[https://​www.researchgate.net/​profile/​Jean-Freitag-Kramer|Jean M. Freitag Kramer]] & [[https://​www.researchgate.net/​profile/​Guilherme_Grittz|Guilherme Gritz]]
-  *Labs involved: [[http://​ecologia.ib.usp.br/​let/​doku.php?​id=let|LET/​IB/​USP]],​ [[http://​labtrop.ib.usp.br/​|LABTROP/​IB/​USP]],​ [[https://​www.ufrgs.br/​leveg/​grupo/​|LEVEG/​UFRGS]] & [[https://​www.researchgate.net/​lab/​Plant-Ecology-and-Biogeography-Victor-Pereira-Zwiener|Plant Ecology and Biogeography/​UFPR]]+  *Labs involved: [[http://​ecologia.ib.usp.br/​let/​doku.php?​id=let|LET/​IB/​USP]],​ [[http://​labtrop.ib.usp.br/​|LABTROP/​IB/​USP]],​ [[https://​www.ufrgs.br/​leveg/​grupo/​|LEVEG/​UFRGS]], [[http://​leafs.site.com.br/​|LEAFS/​UFSB]] & [[https://​www.researchgate.net/​lab/​Plant-Ecology-and-Biogeography-Victor-Pereira-Zwiener|Plant Ecology and Biogeography/​UFPR]]
 === The database === === The database ===
Linha 69: Linha 69:
 The file below provides an example of how some TreeCo site, abundance and trait data are stored and the details on each of the information. This may be used to evaluate if TreeCo has the information you are looking for and how it is organized if you want to contribute data: The file below provides an example of how some TreeCo site, abundance and trait data are stored and the details on each of the information. This may be used to evaluate if TreeCo has the information you are looking for and how it is organized if you want to contribute data:
-{{ :​projetos:​treeco:​TreeCo_tables_and_descriptions.xlsx |TreeCo_tables_and_descriptions}} ​+{{ :​projetos:​treeco:​TreeCo_tables_and_descriptions_new.xlsx |TreeCo_tables_and_descriptions}}
   ​   ​
 === Data sharing and collaboration [temporarily suspended] === === Data sharing and collaboration [temporarily suspended] ===
-TreeCo is available upon reasonable request from researchers interested in using the database for scientific purposes. We may share all the data available as long as there is no overlap with ongoing projects, and if references and funding sources are properly cited. We are also more prone to share TreeCo data with researchers willing to give their input on the quantity/​quality of the database than only using it. Young researchers willing to use the database in their grad or post-doc projects are especially welcome, particularly those from institutions in the Global South. ​+TreeCo is available upon reasonable request from researchers interested in using the database for scientific purposes. We may share all the data available as long as there is no overlap with ongoing projects, and if references and funding sources are properly cited. We are also more prone to share TreeCo data with researchers willing to give their input on the quantity/​quality of the database than only using it. Young and early-career ​researchers willing to use the database in their grad or post-doc projects are especially welcome, particularly those from institutions in the Global South. ​
 TreeCo coordinators are also open for collaboration on the research topics listed below ('​Future research topics'​). We are glad to provide lists of references and to share pdf copies of any study we may have. The use of other information stored in the database, such as the species composition,​ abundance, trait and site information,​ is also possible. But in this case, it may imply the participation of the project coordinators in the investigation and related publications. These decisions are made on a case-by-case basis and they depend on the scale of the study propose and the actual participation of coordinators in the project. TreeCo coordinators are also open for collaboration on the research topics listed below ('​Future research topics'​). We are glad to provide lists of references and to share pdf copies of any study we may have. The use of other information stored in the database, such as the species composition,​ abundance, trait and site information,​ is also possible. But in this case, it may imply the participation of the project coordinators in the investigation and related publications. These decisions are made on a case-by-case basis and they depend on the scale of the study propose and the actual participation of coordinators in the project.
Linha 83: Linha 83:
   * Lima, RAF et. al. The threat status of endemic Atlantic Forest trees. Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions/​European Commission (Project: 795114 H2020-MSCA-RISE-2018,​ acronym THREAT).   * Lima, RAF et. al. The threat status of endemic Atlantic Forest trees. Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions/​European Commission (Project: 795114 H2020-MSCA-RISE-2018,​ acronym THREAT).
   * Lima, RAF et. al. Fragmentation effects on the commonness and rarity of Atlantic Forest trees. Naturalis Biodiversity Center.   * Lima, RAF et. al. Fragmentation effects on the commonness and rarity of Atlantic Forest trees. Naturalis Biodiversity Center.
-  * Pyles, M.V. Drivers of ecosystem services and functional resilience as guides for the conservation and restoration of human-modified landscapes in the Atlantic Forest. PhD project, Federal University of Lavras. 
-  * Marjakangas,​ E.‐L. et al. Co-occurrences of tropical trees: disentangling abiotic and biotic forces. PhD project. 
   * Lima, RAF & Prado, PI [[http://​www.bv.fapesp.br/​pt/​bolsas/​145695/​o-papel-da-diversidade-funcional-na-estruturacao-de-comunidades-arboreas-tropicais-uma-abordagem-bas/​|O papel da diversidade funcional na estruturação de comunidades arbóreas tropicais]].   * Lima, RAF & Prado, PI [[http://​www.bv.fapesp.br/​pt/​bolsas/​145695/​o-papel-da-diversidade-funcional-na-estruturacao-de-comunidades-arboreas-tropicais-uma-abordagem-bas/​|O papel da diversidade funcional na estruturação de comunidades arbóreas tropicais]].
-  * Klipel, J et al. Climatic control of tree species distributions in the Atlantic Forest. MSc. project. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. 
   * Pitta, G, Prado, PI & Lima, RAF. The carbon balance in the Atlantic forest. A case study for SP-Brazil. MSc. project. Universidade de São Paulo (USP). ​   * Pitta, G, Prado, PI & Lima, RAF. The carbon balance in the Atlantic forest. A case study for SP-Brazil. MSc. project. Universidade de São Paulo (USP). ​
   * Mori, DP, Lima, RAF & Prado, PI. O papel da fragmentação nos processos que estruturam comunidades arbóreas. MSc. project. Universidade de São Paulo (USP).   * Mori, DP, Lima, RAF & Prado, PI. O papel da fragmentação nos processos que estruturam comunidades arbóreas. MSc. project. Universidade de São Paulo (USP).
Linha 105: Linha 102:
 === Publications using TreeCo database=== === Publications using TreeCo database===
 +  * Pyles, M.V., Magnago, L.F., Maia, V.A., Pinho, B.X., Pitta, G., de Gasper, A.L., Vibrans, A.C., Santos, R.M., van den Berg E., Lima, R.A.F. 2022. [[https://​doi.org/​10.1126/​sciadv.abl7968|Human impacts as the main driver of tropical forest carbon]]. Science Advances 8(24): eabl7968.
 +  * Klipel, J., Bergamin, R.S., Esquivel‐Muelbert,​ A., Lima, R.A.F., Oliveira, A.A., Prado, P.I., Müller, S.C. 2022. [[https://​doi.org/​10.1111/​btp.13140|Climatic distribution of tree species in the Atlantic Forest]]. Biotropica 54(5): 1170-1181.
 +  * Pinho, B.X., Trindade, D.P., Peres, C.A., Jamelli, D., Lima, R.A.F., Ribeiro, E.M., Melo, F.P., Leal, I.R., Tabarelli, M. 2022. [[https://​doi.org/​10.1111/​ddi.13587|Cross‐scale drivers of woody plant species commonness and rarity in the Brazilian drylands]]. Diversity and Distributions 28(7): 1497-511.
 +  * Marjakangas,​ E.‐L. et al. 2021. [[https://​doi.org/​10.1007/​s11258-021-01143-3|Co-occurrences of tropical trees in eastern South America: disentangling abiotic and biotic forces]]. Plant Ecology 222: 791–806.
   * Zwiener, V.P., Lima, R.A.F. et al. 2021. [[https://​link.springer.com/​chapter/​10.1007/​978-3-030-55322-7_6|Tree diversity in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest: biases and general patterns using different sources of information]]. Chapter 6 in: Atlantic Forest: history, biodiversity,​ threats and opportunities of the mega-diverse forest. Springer, Cham.   * Zwiener, V.P., Lima, R.A.F. et al. 2021. [[https://​link.springer.com/​chapter/​10.1007/​978-3-030-55322-7_6|Tree diversity in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest: biases and general patterns using different sources of information]]. Chapter 6 in: Atlantic Forest: history, biodiversity,​ threats and opportunities of the mega-diverse forest. Springer, Cham.
   * Lima, R.A.F. et al. 2020. [[https://​doi.org/​10.1038/​s41467-020-20217-w|The erosion of biodiversity and biomass in the Atlantic Forest biodiversity hotspot]]. Nature Communications 11: 6347.   * Lima, R.A.F. et al. 2020. [[https://​doi.org/​10.1038/​s41467-020-20217-w|The erosion of biodiversity and biomass in the Atlantic Forest biodiversity hotspot]]. Nature Communications 11: 6347.
Linha 121: Linha 122:
 We also thank all people that have directly contributed to surveys and species data compilation,​ namely Gregory Pitta, Danilo Mori, Luiz Magnago, Markus Gastauer, Carolina Bello, Renato Toledo, Natália Targhetta and Geison Castro. We also thank all people that have directly contributed to surveys and species data compilation,​ namely Gregory Pitta, Danilo Mori, Luiz Magnago, Markus Gastauer, Carolina Bello, Renato Toledo, Natália Targhetta and Geison Castro.
-We are also greatly in debt with the researchers that provided their (un)published tree data: André Amorim, Andréia A. Rezende, Bruno R. Ribeiro, João A. Meira-Neto, João L.F. Batista, Marcelo Pansonato, Márcia C.M. Marques, Maria T.Z. Toniato, ​Mariana ​C. Pardgurschi,​ Mario J. Marques-Azevedo,​ Markus Gastauer, Ricardo R. Rodrigues, Robson L. Capretz and Victor P. Zwiener.+We are also greatly in debt with the researchers that provided their (un)published tree data: André Amorim, Andréia A. Rezende, Bruno R. Ribeiro, João A. Meira-Neto, João L.F. Batista, Marcelo Pansonato, Márcia C.M. Marques, Maria T.Z. Toniato, ​Maira C. Pardgurschi,​ Mario J. Marques-Azevedo,​ Markus Gastauer, Ricardo R. Rodrigues, Robson L. Capretz and Victor P. Zwiener.
Linha 131: Linha 132:
 The forest inventories compiled by TreeCo were funded by many different agencies, such as the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES), by the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPQ) and by the many state-specific research funding agencies, such as FAPESP, FAPEMIG, FAPESC, FAPERJ, etc. These agencies funded the scholarships,​ fieldwork and/or equipment used to conduct these inventories. ​ The forest inventories compiled by TreeCo were funded by many different agencies, such as the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES), by the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPQ) and by the many state-specific research funding agencies, such as FAPESP, FAPEMIG, FAPESC, FAPERJ, etc. These agencies funded the scholarships,​ fieldwork and/or equipment used to conduct these inventories. ​
-We acknowledge some specific funding that resulted in the (un)published data included in TreeCo: São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP), grants 1999/​08515-0,​ 1999/​09635-0 and 2004/​04820-3. Santa Catarina Research Foundation (FAPESC), grant 2017TR1922. Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq), grant 312075/​2013-8 and 484747/​2011-8. US Department of Energy grant DE-FC26-01NT411151 (US Department of Energy).+We acknowledge some specific funding that resulted in the (un)published data included in TreeCo: São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP), grants 1999/​08515-0,​ 1999/​09635-0, 2003/​12595-7 ​and 2004/​04820-3. Santa Catarina Research Foundation (FAPESC), grant 2017TR1922. Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq), grant 312075/​2013-8 and 484747/​2011-8. US Department of Energy grant DE-FC26-01NT411151 (US Department of Energy).
 If you think there is any major funding that should be added to this list, please e-mail the funding agency and grant number to raflima@usp.br. If you think there is any major funding that should be added to this list, please e-mail the funding agency and grant number to raflima@usp.br.
 [[projetos:​treeco:​restrito:​start|Restricted area]] [[projetos:​treeco:​restrito:​start|Restricted area]]
projetos/treeco/start.txt · Última modificação: 2024/01/21 01:42 (edição externa)